Wednesday, February 13, 2013


Chapala has their Carnival at Cristiania Park the first two weeks of February (mas o menos).  The park is one of the prettiest parks in Mexico with Tennis courts, Volleyball courts and a multitude of things for kids to do.
The colorful entry to Cristiania Park. 
It cost $4 to enter the park.
These are a group of Mexican bikers having a good time at Carnival.
They had a car show.  Here they place more importance on customizing their cars.  In the states, more importance is placed on original paint and parts. 
Looks like a 1950's Porsche.  One of the few stock vehicles there. 
Temperatures were in the 80's but, they still had an ice skating rink for the kids.
Love to see the Muchachos and  Muchachas dancing to the beat.
Not sure, but this sounded like music of the Andes.
Our friends J. C. and Vickie being interviewed by a reporter from Estrella, a Spanish speaking television network in the U. S.
I had a couple of beers earlier so I knew I was going to fail this DUI prevention booth test. They use these special goggles that blur your vision.